Keeper of the lost cities : Volume 1

Merssenger, Shannon

Frenn, Celina: Adapter
Author: Messenger, Shannon

Series: Keeper of the lost cities graphic novel ; Vol: 1

Adapted from Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger. Covers the first half of the epic novel that started it all.
Summary: Sophie Foster has a secret. She's a telepath who can read minds, and nobody knows -- not even her parents. But everything changes when she meets Fitz, a mysterious boy with the same ability. Soon Sophie is whisked away to a world where there are others like her, a place where she can belong. But life in the beautiful Lost Cities isn't as idyllic as it seems. Can Sophie really leave everything she knows behind and start again? And what if there's a reason she was hidden away?
Location edition Bar Code due date
Library R34376