Ten little Indians: Stories

Alexie, Sherman

The search engine -- Lawyer's league -- Can I get a witness? -- Do not go gentle -- Flight patterns -- The life and times of Estelle Walks Above -- Do you know where I am? -- What you pawn I will redeem -- What ever happened to Frank Snake Church Product Description: Sherman Alexie is an acclaimed and bestselling writer. In "Ten Little Indians", he offers eleven poignant and emotionally resonant stories about Native Americans who, like all Americans, find themselves at personal and cultural crossroads, faced with heartrending, tragic, sometimes wondrous moments of being that test their loyalties, their capacities, and their notions of who they are and whom they love. In "The Life and Times of Estelle Walks Above", an intellectual feminist Spokane Indian woman saves the lives of dozens of white women all around her, to the bewilderment of her only child, now a grown man who looks back at his life with equal parts of fondness, amusement, and regret. In "Do You Know Where I Am?" two college sweethearts rescue a lost cat-a simple act that has profound moral consequences for the rest of their lives together. In "What You Pawn I Will Redeem", a homeless Indian man must raise $1,000 in twenty-four hours to buy back the fancy dance outfit stolen from his grandmother fifty years earlier. Even as they often make us laugh, Sherman Alexie's stories are driven by a haunting lyricism and naked candour that cut to the heart of the human experience, shedding brilliant light on what happens when we grow into and out of each other
Additional Notes
North Americans, humour, short stories
Librarian's Miscellania
Reading age: Seniors
MARC Record: Physical description
SubTitle: stories
Physical Description: 243 p, 20 cm
MARC Import date: Physical description
Location edition Bar Code due date
Library R30031