The Universe In A Nutshell

HAWKING, Stephen

His bestseller: "A Brief History of Time" - the fascinating landscape of theoretical physics. Professor Hawking is seeking to uncover the grail of science - the elusive Theory of Everything that lies at the heart of the cosmos. In this book he guides us on his search to uncover the secrets of the universe - from supergravity to supersymmetry, from quantum theory to M-theory, from holography to duality. He is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge. A brief history of relativity; How Einstein laid the foundations of the two fundamental theories of the twentieth century. The shape of time; Einstein's general relativity gives time a shape. The universe in a nutshell; The universe has multiple histories, each of which is determined by a tiny nut. Predicting the future; How the loss of information in black holes may reduce our ability to predict the future. Protecting the past; Is time travel possible? Our future? Star Trek or not? How biological and electonic life will go on developing in complexity at an ever increasing rate. Brane new world. Do we live on a brane or are we just holograms?
Additional Notes
Nut, Shape, Theory, Histories, Life, Multiple, General, Star, Brief, Theoretical, Uncover, Black, Landscape, Two, Theories, Hawking, Heart, Brane, Fascinating, Einstein's, M-Theory, Relativity, Grail, Guides, Search, Einstein, Trek, Possible, Holograms, Physics, Supergravity, How, Laid, Foundations, Future, Reduce, Biological, Determined, Mathematics, Secrets, Quantum, Holography, Gives, Bestseller, Universe, History, Science, Everything, Holes, Elusive, Book, Duality, Fundamental, Twentieth, World, Nutshell, Lies, Complexity, Electonic, Professor, Protecting, Developing, Time, Cambridge, Information, Seeking, Cosmos, Supersymmetry, University, Loss, Ability, Past, Century, Rate, Increasing, Travel, Predict, Tiny
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Place of Publication: London
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Library R19414